Getting a man to commit to you isn't always as simple as we'd like. Some men just aren't ready to give up being single to settle down with just one woman. If you're in love with a man and you envision a future with him, is there anything you can do to make him feel the same way about you? There certainly is. In fact, there are a few simple things any woman can do that will naturally ignite a desire to commit within their man.
The most important thing for a woman to keep in mind about getting a man to commit is to stop talking about it. The more a woman talks about commitment, the more completely men will resist the idea. If a man knows that you want him to be exclusive and more serious about his relationship with you, and he's feeling even just the slightest bit of resistance to that, he'll pull away even more than he has. The very best move a woman can make with a commitment phobic man is to drop the subject altogether. Don't talk about marriage. You can actually even take it one step further if he's always balked at the idea of getting too serious.
Many women find that mimicking the man is one of the best ways to get him to make a commitment. For instance, if the man you are with consistently makes off handed comments about how he doesn't believe in marriage, start doing the same. Don't repeat what he says word for word, but make subtle comments from time to time that suggest that you are far from being ready for marriage. If a woman does this, especially after talking about marriage for some time, it immediately catches the attention of the man she's with. If he questions you about your sudden change of heart tell him that you've realized that he's right and that marriage is too serious for you at this time.
The reason this approach works so well for getting a man to commit is that men want what they don't have. If your boyfriend suddenly feels you pulling away, he'll sit up and take notice. If he senses that you don't find him completely irresistible, he's going to do whatever he can to change your mind. The moment you stop being interested in marrying him, is the same moment he'll become obsessed with the idea of marrying you. Reverse psychology really does work wonders when it comes to getting a man to commit.
There are specific things that any woman can say and do that will make her men want to commit to her. If you believe that he is the man you are destined to be with there are things you can do right now that will make him feel exactly the same way about you. For more insight into how to get your man to commit to you, visit this Helpful Site!
You don't have to wait for him to decide whether or not he's ready to commit to you. If you are tired of putting your dreams on hold because he's commitment phobic, there are things you can do to make him want to marry you now. Learn right now what you need to do to make him fall to his knees and beg you to marry him.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
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